New Student School Bus Registration Form

This form is to be filled out at registration and returned to the school. Please allow up to five (5) working days to process your form. After 5 working days, please contact Majestic Transportation at 281.412.6057 for pick-up and drop-off times and location. All bus run information is developed according to your home address.

In case of emergency (if above parent cannot be reached), please contact:

Please list the following for each student: Student Last Name, Student First Name, Grade, School, School ID #
Dear Parent(s), Part of our mission at Majestic Transportation is to provide for the safety of your child(ren) while on our bus. To help us accomplish this you may wish to provide information for your child(ren) regarding any special medical conditions (i.e., diabetes, allergic reactions to bee stings, needs special assistance getting on or off the bus, etc.). Any information you provide will be kept confidential and shared only with the child’s driver and/or bus monitor.